Write for Us
Welcome to Rugs and Beyond!
We are always looking for passionate and talented individuals to contribute useful, interesting and informative articles to our site.
Step 1: Log in to your existing account or Create a new one
Step 2: Before proceeding further, which of the 3 options would be most suitable for you? Pick one
a) Blog Exchange with Follow Links
b) Sponsored Blog @ USD $50 with Follow Links
c) Blog published with No Follow Link
Accordingly, please see the details below:
If you choose Option A:
The minimum DA of your website should be 35 for us to publish our blog on your website in exchange of your blog published on our platform www.rugsandbeyond.com. Please email us the link to your high ranking websites for us to choose for our blog to be published on the same.
If you choose Option B:
Price per sponsored post is USD $50. The same can be sent to us via Paypal. Our Paypal ID is yakcarpets@hotmail.com. Once we receive your payment, we shall immediately publish your blog with follow links and send you the published LIVE link while sharing the same across all our social media channels.
If you choose Option C:
In this case, we shall publish your blog on our website with no- follow links. Once published, we shall send you the LIVE link while sharing the same across all our social media channels.
Step 3: The blog should be related to any of the following topics
(a) Home & Garden
(b) Rugs and Carpets
(b) Interior Design or Architecture
(c) Lifestyle Hacks
(d) Business / Entrepreneurship / Startups
(e) Women-Centric
Guidelines for Blogging:
Please note that our writing guidelines are simple, but they must be strictly followed at all time.
- The follow link should not be that of any online rugs/carpet store
-Articles must be new, unique and original. It should not be self-promoting.
- Should not have been published anywhere before.
- Must have useful and quality content with no grammatical errors
- Should have a minimum of 500+ words
- Must have high resolution related Images. Size of the blog images is 500 px X 400 px. Size of the summary image should be 650 px X 265 px.
Step 4:
Once your blog has been submitted, our editing team will review it, after which we shall publish your blog within 2-3 days and we shall send you the LIVE published link while sharing the same across all our social media channels.
Happy Blogging!
Rugs and Beyond Team
Creating an account has many benefits: check out faster, keep more than one address, track orders and more.